5 Reasons Why Businesses are Hiring Management and Technology Consulting Hybrids

Traditional business consultants are largely falling out of favor for management and technology consulting hybrids. While there are many business consultants who are truly worth their rates, a pervasive feeling in the business world is that a business consultant is someone who “takes your watch and tell you what time it is.” There are five main reasons why businesses are optingRead the Rest…
GeauxPoint Celebrates Six Years, Releases White Paper

GeauxPoint is pleased to release our newest white paper, “2020: Will You Get There? A Business Guide to Overcoming Disruption.” The paper helps business leaders prepare for change by listing four major sources of disruption and how to get past them. The four categories of disruption according to the guide are 1) Disruptive innovation 2) Technology upheaval 3) Cultural ShitsRead the Rest…
The #1 Biggest Mistake Small Business Make in Technology

We once had a client who hired one of the area’s largest IT firms for her small business. This was a huge mess-up, and one that we see all the time. She had gotten the reference from a close acquaintance, who worked at a large corporate office. The IT firm did great work for the large office and mostly supportedRead the Rest…
Tactical vs. Strategic Technology Management: Which do you need?

A mistake too many businesses make is not balancing their technology initiatives with a proper mix of tactical and strategic team members. If technology was football, the strategic technology people would be the players doing the blocking and tackling while the tactical ones would be the ones calling the plays from up above. If a technology team is balanced tooRead the Rest…
The 3 Essential Parts of an Innovative Grant Writing Team

Innovation sells — whether it’s business software, consumer products, or charitable ventures. You can ask almost any foundation representative in the country, and they’ll tell you that forward thinking projects with reasonable goals and well-defined objectives are going to be the favorites among the stacks of same-ol same-ol. So how do you start an innovative grant writing initiatve? It’s notRead the Rest…
Crisis Intervention Technology Spotlight: Telemental Health and NAASP

Crisis intervention technology continues to leverage Web and mobile space, leading to improvements in service efficiency and reach. Increasingly, organizations such as the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (NAASP) are reviewing tele-medical strategies for suicide prevention. About NAASP The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (NAASP) has a lofty vision: a nation free from the tragic experience of suicide. The organizationRead the Rest…
New York Times Crisis Text Line Article Demonstrates Public’s Interest in the Service

The February 4, 2014 The New York Times Crisis Text Line article describes the text-based crisis counseling service and how it better serves youth in an increasingly non-verbal world. The article, titled “In Texting Era, Crisis Hotlines Put Help at Youths’ Fingertips,” by Leslie Kaufman, vaguely describes an real chat taken by Crisis Text Line, a subsidiary of DoSomething.org. The situation is oneRead the Rest…
Crisis Intervention Technology Round-Up

Technology is changing the game in crisis intervention. Innovative organizations are continually finding new ways to reach larger audience. Here’s how some prominent crisis intervention organizations are using crisis intervention technology to great effectiveness: Emotion Technology Looks to the Next Generation Emotion Technology CEO Christopher Gandin Le recently publish an article in the Huffington Post stating that the future ofRead the Rest…
13 Must-Have Resources for HIPAA Compliance for Crisis Centers

Worried about HIPAA compliance for crisis centers? As crisis centers and I&R service providers advance, data privacy typically becomes a larger concern. As crisis centers advance in their mission and adopt new programs, many are wising up to data hazards. For instance, did you know that an organization that simply stores the data of a health organization is subject toRead the Rest…
Five Essential Volunteer Committee Development Strategies

Being head of a volunteer committee is your time to shine. However, you’ll only succeed if you can identify and properly execute the proper committee development strategies. Use these strategies to develop your committee and set them up for success: Connect to leadership. Volunteer committee members must feel like their work is being recognized and appreciated, and this may involveRead the Rest…