Ten CRM Questions to Ask Before You Get Started

This is the second installment of our excerpt series from our White Paper, “The Beginner’s Guide to CRM: An Honest Look at the Pros and Cons.” Go here to download the paper. If you are exploring CRM, you probably have lots of questions. Questions about feasibility, questions about cost, questions about implementation, the questions may seem to never end. Instead ofRead the Rest…
The Seven Deadly Sins of CRM

This is the second installment of our excerpt series from our White Paper, “The Beginner’s Guide to CRM: An Honest Look at the Pros and Cons.” Go here to download the paper. CRM systems are powerful tools, but there are some CRM mistakes to avoid. The following are seven most common CRM mistakes that can send users to “CRM hell:”Read the Rest…
Don’t Get Started With CRM Until You’ve Read This

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE WHITE PAPER GeauxPoint is pleased to release its newest white paper, The Beginner’s Guide to CRM: An Honest Look at the Pros and Cons. The CRM guide will help businesses get the most out of their investment, avoid CRM pitfalls, and learn CRM optimization strategies. This blog post is the first installment of the series on theRead the Rest…
GeauxPoint to Release New CRM Guide — With a Twist

On next Thursday, June 25th, GeauxPoint will release its newest white paper, “The Beginner’s Guide to CRM: An Honest Look at the Pros and Cons of Customer Relationship Management” In addition to simply introducing the topic of CRM to the un-initiated, the guide will explore both the good aspects to CRM as well as the bad. This is unusual, since most WebRead the Rest…
5 Salesforce.com® Pitfalls for Nonprofits

As salesforce.com for nonprofits increases in popularity, many organizations are making the same avoidable mistakes with the platform. We’ve identified 5 salesforce.com pitfalls for nonprofits to look out for. This list comes from experience in working with dozens of non-profit clients. When performing nonprofit implementation and administration for Salesforce.com, look out for the following traps: Pitfall #1: Thinking Salesforce isRead the Rest…
Capitation Creates Big Opportunities for Call Centers

GeauxPoint is experiencing an influx of clients who need help opening call centers. We believe that this is indicative of opportunity for existing health and human services call centers at large. Many new healthcare-related call centers are springing up because of a reform-related payment structure known as “capitation.” Under a capitated payment system, insurers give healthcare providers lump sums to care forRead the Rest…
The #1 Reason Why Businesses Fail at Salesforce Implementation and How to Avoid it

Salesforce® is the most valuable investment that many businesses will make this year. A large percentage of the companies that adopt a Salesforce instance will choose to implement it without outside help. However, many of these businesses will fail for reasons beyond their control. The #1 Reason Why Businesses Fail at Salesforce Implementation and How to Avoid it We’ll let youRead the Rest…
Five Industries Where Salesforce® is BOOMING

By now, Salesforce is a big deal in most industries, and the ones that are lagging behind are quickly catching up. The following five industries are seeing lightening-fast adoption of Salesforce and the gains that come with it: Salesforce for Biotechnology “It’s not okay to keep your customers at arms length. You’ve got to be engaged with them at everyRead the Rest…
How to Foster Growth Through Innovation Consultants

Innovation is one buzzword that never seems to outgrow its welcome. Perhaps this is because when true innovation is effectively cultivated, growth always follows. This can be easily observed in the nonprofit world, where funders are changing their funding habits and processes to better accommodate forward thinkers. For example, organizations like the Drucker Institute, established by famous innovation consultant PeterRead the Rest…
Why Service Providers Must Start Preparing for I&R Linked Data RIGHT NOW

I&R needs to change how it handles data, and fortunately AIRS is providing leadership and action on this by developing a linked data strategy. As AIRS continues its progress with the linked data strategy, the rest of I&R should begin preparing for the advent of I&R linked data. What is an API? What is Linked Data? How did this comeRead the Rest…